Daksha insults Siva
Once Durvasav Rishi meditated, praying to Devi Jagatambika. She became very satisfied with this that she gave him a flower chain necklace from her body to him. One day, he went to the palace of Daksha wearing this flower necklace. Daksha was very much fond of this necklace that he let know Durvasav his wish to own it. Thus, Durvasav gave him the necklace without any hesitation. With extreme happiness, Daksha took the necklace and placed it inside his bedroom. But one night he performed sex with his wife in front of the holy necklace thus making it polluted. Lord Siva came to know about this incident and he scolded Daksha immediately. Being humiliated by Siva, Daksha developed an anger against Siva and swore revenge against him.
Later, several saints decided to conduct a grand Yajna. They selected a place called Prayaga as a venue for it. Several important personnel such as BrahmaDev, Sanatanists, scholars, devas, kings. Pundits etc gathered to take part in it. There were many competitions and debates going on in the venue. Most of them were related to science, mathematics, art, dance and music.
Lord Siva arrived there with his wife Sati. Everyone stood up in respect to the Lord of All and sat back discussing how lucky they are to have Lord Siva with them . At that time, unexpectedly, Daksha arrived . Everyone came to him to show gratitude and respect whereas Lord Siva didn't move from his seat knowing that Daksha is an egoist having pride to own all the luck and fortune without deserving it. Whereas Daksha seeing that Lord Siva immobile became angry.
"See his pride. Claiming to be a great person. Always hanging out with ghosts and demons while residing in a graveyard, yet he don't have respect towards me. This is adharma. Everyone walking, talking, sitting, befriending you will become sinners. You will become a transgender. I'm cursing you. From this day forward you will be kicked out of all four casts. You will become terribly ugly and won't have a proper life. " By hearing Daksha's words all those saints present there agreed to his opinion. They misunderstood Rudra as a cruel. Devas joined with Daksha and began insulting Siva. But Siva didn't sat silently hearing all this without any reply.
Being a witness to the insult of Daksha and others towards Siva, Nandi became very angry. His eyes turned red. He shouted out," Insulting the person who balances creation,protection and destruction you fool? What do you have to insult my master like this? You are attacking against the person who is the main cause of this Yajna to be successful. How dare you make fun of him?"
Daksha became uncontrollable hearing the words from Nandi. He once again started to insult and curse Siva. Nandi replied with equal force and cursed all Brahmins including Daksha as an anger towards him. Lord Siva cracked a smile seeing Nandi's aggression towards Daksha. He calmed Nandi and said,"Hey Nandi, you are a scholar. Therefore, aggression is not appropriate for you. You have just cursed Brahmins because of slight misunderstanding. Whoever can curse us but that will not affect us. Daksha's curse will never do a slight harm to us ever. You can believe me. Therefore, be cool.". Nandi turned calm hearing Siva's philosophy. They went back to Kailas.
Angry Daksha returned to his palace yet he had his aggression towards Siva building up in his mind. He spent most of his time planning to take revenge on Siva. He even started to insult those who pray to Lord Siva. He thus became a arch enemy of Siva. Thus he decided to conduct a grand Yaga and swore not to invite Siva and Sati to it.
The Evolution of the Universe

In the beginning, the Universe was covered with darkness, the universe was filled with darkness, the universe was only darkness. There were no sun,no moon ,no stars nor anything at that time. No little patch of fire, air, water, ether existed at that time. There was only emptiness. Emptiness everywhere. At that time 'sath' existed. Sath had no shape, no color, no personality. It was neither big nor small. Briefly, Sath is Satyam(the truth). It is the knowledge, happiness and other emotions.
The shapeless Brahma evolved according to the wishes. It turned into a Jyothirlingam. This Lingam was known as the Brahmandam(the Universe). This andam split and then began the nemesis of the nondestructive 'Virat Pursh'. He/she was the only thing existed at that time. He/she existed everywhere. He/she had many faces and eyes in every direction. He/she could see without eyes and hear without ears. It was impossible to see him/her in full form.
This NirakaraRupa(formless) ParaBrahma, after many yugas, wished for something else. He/she wished for the evolution of millions from one. At that moment, he/she decided to be in a form by usi
At one time, Siva and ParaSakti became close as husband and wife. Being happy, they wished for something. To create someone to do the job of 'Creation'. With these thoughts Siva with Sakti applied Amritam on the ten organs of the left side of his own body. After sometime, from that part, born a person who is handsome of all three worlds and with the goodness of million suns.

That great man worn a crown of gold. The beauty of his body was challenging to all ruby and emeralds. Covered with jewelery and ornaments,he worn a robe made up of gold. He has strong hands and eyes resembling to lotus. He existed everywhere, therefore he came to be known as Vishnu.
At the time of creation, nature entered Vishnu. Greatness was made and pride evolved from it. Pride split into Emotions, Brilliance and Anger. From the anger, sky was evolved, from the sky air was evolved, from the air fire was evolved and from the fire water was evolved. Vishnu brought consciousness to the five elements. Vishnu's vigor was thrown out in water. This vigor is known to be the 'Life'.

From the pride brilliance evolved all senses and from pride emotions evolved ten emotional Devas and the eleventh sense the mind.
The Vigor which was thrown out by Vishnu evolved and became an andam. That an

After that, Lord Vishnu meditated for a very long time. Because of the impact of the mediation, fountains were started to appear in different parts of his body.
That water filled the empty sky. At that time, being tired, Lord Vishnu fell asleep. He slept there for very long time, satisfied. Because of sleeping in water(Nara), Lord Vishnu got the name 'Narayan'.
At that time, there were no elements in nature except Narayan. While he was sleeping on water, a lotus began to grow from his navel. The lotus was full of beautiful petals and appeared as bright as the sun.
After that, Maheswar created BrahmaDev from the left side of his body. By the wishes of illusion BrahmaDev sat on the lotus which came from the navel of Lord Vishnu. BrahmaDev meditated and earned power. BrahmaDev, with his power continued the creation process and life began on the Universe.

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