- Shiva with Drum (Damaru) and Trident (Trishula) - K Rayker on Stock.xchng
This article explains all about the Hindu God Shiva: His identity, appearance, inner meaning, symbolism, mantras and worship.
The Hindu deity Shiva, (also spelled as Siva), is generally known as a part of the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Maheshwara). While Brahma creates and Vishnu preserves, Shiva’s job lies in destruction.
Shiva – God of Destruction
However, Shiva doesn’t destroy just for the sake of it. When Shiva starts his work of annihilation, it is always with the aim of getting rid of the different forms of evil or ignorance. Another reason is to maintain the cycle of creation and annihilation, which includes the withdrawal of all creatures back into the non-manifest. Without destruction, there can be no development. The old has to be destroyed so the new can come into existence.
Spiritual transformation and liberation
Thus, Shiva paves the path for spiritual transformation. He destroys the things and attitudes that keep human beings from turning to the Divine within. Shiva is the male side of the transforming aspect of God, the female side being Kali/Durga.
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